Billy Mays

Billy Mays

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Part Two of Excerpt from Trading Dangerously - Import/Export and a Little Thievery

In an unusual break in standard operating procedures, instead of picking up the package at the Embassy library the next morning, Jane showed up at my rented flat in Warsaw (She’d never done that before.) She had my package with her and asked if she could come in for a minute. Of course I agreed and shut the door behind her. She hesitated then said, “I have your package for Moscow. Clint threw it over the partition to me. I wanted to give you a last chance to back out of this one.” Surprised by her statement and offer, I asked if she could tell me why my involvement in this delivery concerned her. She told me, “Getting involved in dis-information to Russian agents is about as close as you can get to being a full-fledged player. We still use contractors for this stuff but you have a family in Krakow and we worry you may have agreed to this too quickly without thinking about it. It puts you on lists that can turn black at any time. Moscow is currently in one of those periods where the CIA desk is playing some higher stakes games. A couple of our people are missing. The Warsaw guys are worried about it and wanted me to remind you that this is a slightly different game you will be playing with a wholly different set of players on their side…and our side, too.
“I’ve done this before, Jane. Same hotel and same recipients. What’s different?”
“Different type of information and higher caliber recipient…and greater chance of recipient doing unexpected things. Bill, I know you take this seriously, but don’t forget that I can have you safely teaching almost full-time if you are up to it. You don’t have to do this.”
“I really appreciate the personal attention tonight, Jane. Let’s see how this goes. It may be my last job based on your revelations.” She smiled and handed me the package. It was a normal looking thick brown envelope with a string tie-top. Something like an internal mail pouch for memos or larger documents, it was not sealed. Jane’s last words as she stepped toward the elevator, “I suggest you not open it or look at what’s inside.”

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